Bibliometric analysis of Veblen, bandwagon, snob, hedonic and perfectionism effects


The effects Veblen, bandwagon, snob, hedonic and perfectionism are constructs that have allowed us to understand the motivations related to the consumption of prestigious goods from a broad perspective, taking into account motivations such as group member ship or differentiation, the demonstration of status, the emotions aroused and the quality factor that leads to consuming these goods. OBJECTIVE. This article provides a bibliometric analysis of the current state of research on effects.METHOD. Bibliometry identifies authors, most productive countries, most important journals, cooperation between authors, co-citations, and co-occurrences of keywords; also, identification of research clusters. Using the Scopus collection, this study analyzes 3685 records. RESULTS Five research groups were identified, Commerce, marketing, consumer behavior, and experimental studies. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS New studies are proposed that include a traditional systematic review to complement what is stated in this document, as well as research by Ibero- American researchers on these issues in order to improve the presence of the Ibero- American perspective in the world concert. This research provides an overview that can be a valuable guide for teachers, researchers, and professionals in marketing, administration, economics, and related areas.

Revista CienciAmerica, 9(1)
